Saturday, December 26, 2009

J for Jealous...

So jealous. O so freaken jealous. This group of gals I know.  They seem to have everything. Here's their life in a nutshell...
-SAHMs and very happy about it.
-Weekly lunches with GFs, sometimes twice.
-Bi-monthly mani-pedis
-Activities for the day- organizing play dates, traveling/hiking mid week, baking
-Parties-Invites from the rich and famous
-Invites- Theme party that includes napkins and silverware matching the theme too.
-Dress code- Specifically bought outfit to go with the theme.
-Greeting- the 3 Muahs
-Kids say- Namasthe and Thank you
-Other Weekends-Clubbing and bar hopping

*****Now lets compare that to my life******

-WMAOM (work my ass off mom) and very happy about it.
-Weekly bitching with GFs, sometimes always daily.
-Activities for the day- work, ordering kids around to clean up, travels (in the car) to swim/gym/paino lessons, baking re-heating food in microwave.
-Weekends-Parties.. Chilling out with people I adore.
-Parties- Impropmtu invites from my Soulmates
- Invites- Always personal. Conversation goes like this..
Soulmate: hey
Me: hey
Soulmate: whats up?
Me: Don't know what I should make for dinner.
Soulmate: I have spaghetti sauce from last week and uncooked spaghetti
Me: I have cheese and can get garlic bread.
Soulmate: I have some chicken links we can throw in there.
Me: Should we ask other Soulmate to get some wine
Soulmate: Yup
Me: My house?
Soulmate: No her's, its been 3 days we haven't been there.
Me: OK
Soulmate: OK, I'll let other soulmate know we will be there in 1 hour, this will give her enough time to chill the wine.
ME: Chal bye. Milthe hain.

- Dress Code- old XL T shirt and yoga pants/ jammies. No one bats an eyelid.
- Greeting- "गधा, इतना लेट क्यूं आया?" (Donkey, why did you come so late?), or "उल्लू, खाना साइड में रख और २ ग्लास फटाफट मार्के आ, हमलोग काफी टुन्न है already."( Idiot, put whatever you brought to the side and drink up 2 glasses quickly since we are already high)
- Kids say: Can I stay over? Can my friend come over?
-Other weekends: Clubbing...uhh, Costco or Sam's Club-bing!

Now, you see why THEY are sooo Jealous?


Sraikh said...


I want to move there..
And bring cocktails. I am not a wine person. I make th best cocktails though

AverageJane said...

What? You know the Desperate Housewives?

starry eyed said...

Wondering if I should ditch TPL (babysitting goddess) and move in as your neighbour (potential soulmate?).

Guddi said...

Cocktails work! I love them too. I've stopped counting calories too!
yup, personally! N when they Muah-ed me, I laughed at them...not with them.
Big body comes with bigger heart... There's always space for more mates..soulmates! :)

Sands said...

Couldn't agree more girlie. The impromptu movie dates, the unplanned movie nights on the couch, the late night drinking, dancing and chatter, the never ending hisaabs, the always yummy potlucks, wouldn't trade it for anything :)

Guddi said...

Kala Tika time...

The Print Lover said...

"Donkey, why did you come so late?"

So its ass for kids and donkey for friends. Hmm, TPL is figuring you all out.

Guddi said...

TPL, you r really smart!! are you good-looking too? (seems to be my phrase for the week)

The Print Lover said...

I am too good looking for u. Didn't want u to have false hopes.

Guddi said...

aww shucks!

Niv said...

I am jealous!Wish I could join your gang!Am sure I will laugh till my sides ache!

Guddi said...

It's crazy sometimes.. there is no respect of any sort, just pure love! You are welcome to join in anytime.

mim said...

man. i would so fit right in.

Guddi said...

MiM, all we look for is the devil's number tattoed at the back of your neck which I'm pretty sure you have!! You are IN!!

ana said...

God ... stop making everything sound so wonderful! I am still sad about my return woman!!!!