Friday, August 28, 2009

Absolutely not my work...

I could not let this one go. If I need this, I think everyone deserves it too, especially on a Friday. I can't take credit for it at all except that I found it...real funny stuff.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Actions speak....

No one says he/she loves me!!!
I have felt this for years and have constantly moaned about it. Yesterday, made a dent in that.
I got laid off! And of course, the first thing I thought about was "These guys don't love me".
I called Mu-man and as soon as he heard me, he told someone in the meeting he was attending, "Guys, I gotta go!" 10 minutes later he was by my side, feeding me fish tacos (food is the solution to all problems, drinks too), and making it all go away.
I spoke to my best boy friend, Ra who he offered to be with me, take me to Tilted Kilt for some beer and chat with me. Later he left me a VM recording of "Kabhi Kabhi Aditi Zindagi me koi...." He stopped by and called a couple more times to make sure I was OK. ( or maybe to make sure I wasn't drinking without him).
My best girl friend, Sandy, said the right words, offered to help clean up my resume, talked to me like she was going through it, knew my pains and basically was right there.
Ann, my life.. one who I may marry one day, told me how it was great news and this just meant I needed to do what I was born to with people, be with people and just basically find a job that was around and about people.
VD-ya confirmed her faith in me.
Mani-da called and sighed and then we laughed, Aashe sent such a supportive email...
Vicki sent me 4 leads and tons of wise words that I will always cherish. Lex texted and bitched with me, Cloud sent practical details of what I should do, my manager who had no clue about the lay off, called and offered to be a reference whenever needed. The calls, emails, FB notes are pouring in...(God help my family when I die).
No one said I LOVE YOU....everyone showed me how much.

To quote Jerry Maguire..." You complete me."
Thank you for being you, guys.