Friday, April 9, 2010

X-ray results of my brain...

NOTE: Do not jump into any conclusions. I am not dying.. not without killing a select few...

Ok, so.. I have been busy and just not motivated to write. But then Life has it's weird sense of humor that I just couldn't resist capturing...
-Talked to a friend about nursing and lactation.
-Another friend, N called last night and I realized that I haven't spoken to her in months though we live in the same neighborhood and I was guilt struck.
- The fact that I am fat still shows its ugly head every once in a while.

All these triggered this...A nightmare.
Apparently N had a baby, but being sooo petite, could only make so much milk. I, on the other hand, started gorging up just by the thought!! So N decided that the baby could nurse or she could use the extra milk to make paneer!!!!! (I know, I know.. beyond YUCKK). She puts a bottle of about 5 ounces of milk on the table, next to my gallon. V-dya walks in and says, "N's milk looks fat free, look at this fatso's gallon.. we should make Ras Malai!"

Just shoot me now, please?


starry eyed said...

Just one q....what did you eat before you had this nightmare?!!!

Average Jane said...

No Starry, real question is: What did she *drink* before this nightmare? :P

Niv said...

only you can have such a weird nightmare!lol

well, I guess now I know why you and me are fat, even our dreams are made of rasmalai and paneer! lol said...

My only question for you - what was God thinking when he created you : )

Guddi said...

Starry, I ate paneer!
Aj, I drank the remaining ras lifting up the pathram to my mouth.
Niv, I dream if food among other things n wake up happy.. You too??
Ana, He was thinking 'she will be among my most loved creations!' you love me, ya? :)

The Print Lover said...

I had this weird dream yesterday.

I am young (!) and I have a friend but I come to know that he is a terrorist (though he is only 7-8 yrs old). So I borrow my uncle's gun and I go to his house and shoot at him and run away. I see his sister and she has this "pls not me" expression so I let her go.

Next scene, Im grown up and my sister tells me that terrorist boy friend has grown up and is looking for me. Looks like my single bullet didnt get him. So Im hiding in a room and no one else, including the uncle who gave me the gun, is bothered abt my safety. Everyone is going tra-la-la while Im shivering. My only hope is that he remembers that I spared his sister and so he will let go of me for that.

Shivering, I finally got up.

Oddly, your dream made me feel a litle better :)

Guddi said...

TPL, what you have there is not a dream.. its a full fledged movie.. dysfuntional family, flashback et al!! :))

The Print Lover said...

Now that u say it, you know what movie this dream looks like? Kurbana! :-/

Guddi said...

Sha! no way, I dont see naked backed TPL and bullet wounded spouse! :)

shilpa said...

What wait? That was a nightmare? Oh ok......atleast it wasn't wasn't na?
I don't like guns honey :-D