Friday, April 30, 2010


Sanj makes random comments. But this week was special.. extra special!! We have Trident in our lives and this is what she has to say about him.
- He is a baby and very much like me. If he doesn't want to eat, dont force him.
- He waved at me and I think he wanted to smile too, but Akka walked in and that made him stop.
- Take him to bed with you, he may have nighmares.
- I think right now he's dreaming.
- Does he need to brush his teeth?

Shaant was excited beyond words...
- I want to feed him.
- I want to feed him before Sanj.
- When will I get to feed him?
- Ok, amma.. you asked me to feed him, but can you do it today please? I have to pee.

I think...
- He hears my voice and comes up to me.
- Blows lil kisses.
- Senses my presence and eats only when I talk to him and feed him.
- Loves when I call him "ma babyyy".

Mu man says-
- Make sure he is well marinated by the time I get home! SLURP!!

My little TRIDENT ...


Average Jane said...

Aww! I think this is the first time I seeing a fish get so much attention from each of the members of the family. :)

starry eyed said...

Oh we've been vacillating about getting a fish you go and stoke the fire :) He's cute!

The Print Lover said...

Hi Trident! Do you smell like tooth paste?

p.s: what breed (?) is he?

Guddi said...

AJ, we are all about attention.. didn't you figure it out! :)
Starry, He is insanely cute.. if he didnt have a face, he would look like a peacock feather floating.. same shade of blue.
TPL, Betta fish..need to keep him single. Guess they name him "beta" but he acts all "alpha". :)

mim said...

come back!